Whether you have been journeying with Jesus your whole life, or you are exploring faith for the first time, we would love you to join us. Our Sunday gatherings are very relaxed. We meet together weekly from 10.30am at The Castle School for a family friendly gathering, with a reflective time of worship, exploring the bible together and time to connect over a cuppa. We also stream the gatherings live via our YouTube channel.
We want our Sunday gatherings to be an awesome experience for the whole family. We run programmes for preschool children aged 0-4 and also a primary aged children’s programme. We have youth sessions running fortnightly on Sundays and others socials and events throughout the year for our young people.
There is free parking available at the school. Some parking areas do require payment, so look out for the signs and ask one of our helpful welcome team if you are not sure where the free car parking is located.
If you would like more information, we’d love to hear from you: welcome@tauntonvineyard.org.
Get Connected
We recognise that accessing and integrating into community life looks different for different people but we want to make this as easy as possible for you should you choose to make Taunton Vineyard your home. We recommend 4 key things you can do to engage in the life of the church most effectively:
Join us on Sundays We believe that coming together as a church on Sunday to worship together is both biblical and incredibly important. We believe that we are both ‘scattered servants’ during the week in different ways, yet also ‘gathered saints’ on a Sunday. Sundays are also vital in keeping connected with the whole body and receiving vision, teaching, encouragement and blessing (in order to give it away to our communities).
Join a small group This is where you can both get to know others and allow them to get to know you. It is the place to be open, accountable, trained and supported as you serve, as well as a place to have fun! It’s also the primary place where you can be nurtured and best supported.
Join a team Serving is a blessing, a privilege and a vital part of growing as a follower of Jesus. It also helps you get connected in relationship to others and is a great context to learn about the Kingdom of God, discover and exercise your gifts and to teach others to do the same. You grow as you go, and you get as you give!
Give The issue here isn’t that we want your money - we want people to be committed disciples of Jesus and giving is an important element of this. Whatever we give (be it time, energy or money) God honours it and is grateful for it. We believe that giving (a) is part of being a follower of God, (b) releases blessing and freedom to the giver and also to the church, (c) indicates and strengthens our commitment to the local church, and (d) enables the church to function. To find out how to give regularly go to our giving page.
Small Groups are places where real life is done… a place to be seen and known.
We have two different types of Small Groups:
● Discipleship Groups
Discipleship groups are about discipleship! A place where you can be open and build relationships, where you can learn to worship intimately and to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit, where you can be equipped for life through God’s Word, and where you can serve others as well as growing in your own gifts and calling.
● Life Groups
Life Groups are about doing life together, and are varied in content and style. Life Groups give you opportunity to be part of a community – to experience connection and fellowship with other believers, that is edifying and encouraging for you in your walk with God.
Some life groups gather around food, some meet in the great outdoors, some gather around common interests and some study the Word together.
The hope for all our small groups is that as we journey together and meet regularly doing life together through the ups and downs, we will encourage each other and grow together with Jesus at the centre.
Small Groups can be accessed through the links below or via MyChurchSuite. For further details, please contact info@tauntonvineyard.org
Discipleship Groups:
Life Groups:
Serving Our Community
There are lots of ways that you can get involved and serve our community. We partner with some amazing organisations in Taunton. Contact us or one of the organisations below for more information about how you can get involved.
Besom Unlocking God’s purpose in you, through meeting the needs of others. The Besom in Taunton is a Christian organisation that provides a bridge between those who want to give and those who are in need in the Taunton and Wellington area.
CHARIS Settling refugee families in the Southwest of England through the UK Home Office Community Resettlement programme. CHARIS welcomes and supports all refugees and asylum seekers; gives them hope for the future, a place to call home, and a warm welcome in the local community.
CAP Money A free course that teaches budgeting skills and a simple system to manage money that works. In just a few weeks, you will get to grips with your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt. To find details of our upcoming courses visit capmoneycourse.org
TLG MakeLunch Providing free, hot, healthy lunches to children and their families during the school holidays in a fun filled environment. Taunton Vineyard Church run Make Lunch in partnership with Oakwood Church. For more details visit facebook.com/MakeLunchTaunton or email makelunch@tauntonvineyard.org
ROC Taunton Deane Community Mentors A free mentoring scheme to support families with children under the age of 12 locally. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, or know someone who may need a mentor, contact ROC via the website at roctauntodeane.org.
Taunton Street Pastors Helping to keep the streets of Taunton town centre safe on Friday and Saturday nights.
Taunton School Pastors Supporting young people, members of staff and all involved with the running of a school and its wider community.
Taunton Team Chaplaincy Serving the community of Taunton through the provision of workplace chaplains.
Taunton Youth for Christ Seeking to take the good news of Jesus Christ relevantly to every young person in Taunton.